Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 2

So I woke up the next morning to find out that my alarm clock did not go off and I had over slept 45 minutes so I rushed around and got ready really fast. Then I went down to the lunch room and I really did not have time to eat so I grabed me an apple and started walking over to the big building we had our sessions at. So we get our seats and the adults were just pretty much welcoming us, and telling us how amazing it was going to be, but I was just sitting there letting it go in one ear and out the other (haha) So we have praise and worship but I guess you could say I just stood there mad not paying any attion to what they were singing, because I was still made over the day before and that morning. So then Pastor Ron gets up on the stage to preach and he started talking about love and how when we get to New York we would just have to pour our love out on these children because most of them dont even know what it feel like to be loved, and he was talking about how before we went that we needed to make sure that we were not doing this for just doing this for the fun of it, we needed to get rid of all our selfishness and pride. And it just like hit me right then and there I knew whith out a shadow of a dout that this was what the Lord wanted me to do and no matter how hard my first few days had been that I did not need to keep carying around all this anger and fustration so I went up to the alter and prayered and it was like and big load was just lifted off of me. After service we had what they called Qiuet time, and in this time we went and found and place in the room where no one was at and we could just have our time with God, we could read in our bibles, pray, or wright in our Jurnals. So I stayed in my seat and I pulled my bible and Jurnal out and I had no clue where that I wanted to read so I just let me bible fall open and it fell open to the scripture talking about the armor of God, and I guess you could say I turned that scripture into a prayer and just asked God to help me to have on my armor of God and be perpared for this trip. So when we got done with that we had to find our team leaders and they led us out side beside a pond and told us to find a seat so we all sat done on the ground to find out that we were sitting on a fire ants nest, so Michal our project director goes and stands in front of us and starts telling us about what all we were going to do on our trip and how much fun it was going to be and about the lives we would change and how it would change our live, but then she started talking about how we were going to have to have an open heart and have faith that we could do this. Well she started talking about how much Christians now days just want to go to church on Sundays and then out on the weekdays they want to go out and do whatever, and she used a rock as an exzample she through this little bity pebble into the pond and of course it made a really really little splash and she said thats how Christians are today they just want that little splash, well then out of no where Jon jumps up and goes running and jumps in the pond, and of course it made a huge splash and Michal said that how we need to be we need to be so into Gods work that people can just see it in us and they will want to know more about it. well then we split up into our teams and the rest of the day we just played game like you would in 4-H to get to no everbody. and then later that night we had a bond fire because the kids going on othere trips were leaving that night well we go outside and they have all these crosses set up well you had to go to the cross that had a flag of where you were going, so we all get to our cross trying to figure out what in the world is going on, and we get up there and there is a huge bucket of water and a huge bucket of mud. so we get over there and they rub mud all over our hands, and they told us that stood for whatever we were holding on to and not giving up and is long as we were still holding that we could not do what God wanted us to do on this trip, and they told us that they wanted us to pray and decide what that was, and well I knew right off that it was my fear I was afraid of getting out there and messing up or not doing something right. So when everyone was done praying we went up to the cross and washed our hands free from the mud which stood for leaving it at the cross. When we were done we went back up the hill and took our showers and got ready for bed and I made sure this time that I had someone to wake me up in the moring. (haha)

Until Next Time,


1 comment:

  1. Glad it was a better day. What a neat idea with the mud. I like that!
