Or waiting around for Friday night or waiting perhaps for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil or a better break or a string of pearls or a pair of pants or a wig with curls or another chance. Everyone is just waiting. ~Dr. Seuss
Dr Seuss may just be a another writer but he truly has a point here. We all are just sitting around waiting for something to happen and while we are sitting there waiting life is passing us by. Maybe it is time to stop waiting and get up and make something happen! I dont know about you but i dont want to sit around and wait for ever, when sometimes we dont even know what we are waiting for. It's time for us to get up and make something happen instead of waiting around for it too. Stop caring what other people think just go out and enjoy life, smell the fresh air, enjoy the things around you that you would normally ignore, dont let life pass you by make life have to run after you to keep up. Yeah people may think you are crazy, but you will be happier and life will be better. One day those people who thought you were crazy for enjoying yourself and living life, well they will realize how much they have truly missed out on, because they sat back and waited around for something to happen they didnt step up to make a change, they let the people around them run their lives. I dont want to not live my life because of what people say do or say, or because im afraid of what might happen in the future. Im going to stop waiting around get up and make a change, im not going to worry about the future and when my road blocks come they wont get me down ill stand strong and find my way around them. Now who's with me? haha.
Until next time,