Thursday, June 16, 2011

So i just realized i have not wrote in over a year!

Apparently i got to busy and some how forgot i had a blog :D im so special haha..Hmm so any way it's summer again(: yayyyyy..I dont really have and plans i guess whatever happens happens..But i now have an Amazing boyfriend<3 he means the world to me..And i no longer babysit Jonny Callie and Grace ): i miss them..But i now babysit Trey he is almost a year old and is the most Gorgeous little boy you will ever lay eyes on! Ohh yeah my parents spilt up for good i guess i left that one out. I sorta wish they were back together but i guess it's for the best. But hopefully im going to the beach in August with momma(: Hmmm so fathers day is sunday and i have no idea what i should do for my dad. I made him a card but im broke so im not sure what else to do, any idea's? let me know. So i know all this is pointless and you probably do not want to be reading about it but ill write more interesting stuff late, i promise haha. But anyways i guess this is all for now.