Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pop Sickles & a Tree

So me and my Best Friend Savannah found out the hard way that its not so smart to eat pop sickles in a tree, so here is what happened. Savannah has this huge oak tree in her front yard well we had not climbed in it since we were little, well we were very bored so we decided that we would climb the tree. Well then we got the bright idea that we could sit in the tree and eat our pop sickles and talk, Because we were trying to hid from Meadow and Christopher (our younger siblings) Well I was sitting on the branch over top of Savannah well we got to laughing really hard because Meadow and Christopher walked right under the tree and never saw us, Well I was laughing so hard that I dropped a huge hunk of pop sickle on Savannah's shirt. Needless to say we made a really big mess and that is why it is not a good idea to eat pop sickles in a tree.