Sunday, April 26, 2009

30 hour famine

At Harvest Worship Center they did the 30 hour famine this past weekend. We fasted for 30 hours and slept in boxes, We were trying to see how the homeless and hungry feel, but we also had lots of fun, we did a scavenger hunt but on this scavenger hunt we had to go out a pass out tracks and witness to people and pray at the schools, it was fun but we were also learning. We play several other games too, But the scavenger hunt was my favorite. I am really glad that I got to be part of this amazing experience. We built our boxes and slept outside just like the homeless do, and then the next morning they had the cops come and wake us up and tell us we had to move, we also marched in front of the court house to raise awareness. It was so much fun, but we still learned in the proses. If its something you have to opportunity to do I suggest you try it, its an amazing experience. I just think that it was a great experience for me, because I never really realized how hard it is go with out eating or get a good nights sleep in a box. I defiantly brought me closer to the Lord. I think it was easier for us to go with out eating because we had each other, and when we got hungry we would just pray together. well anyway I just thought that I would tell you guys a little about it.